How do I change the song title?

How do I change the song title?

You can change the song title by changing the text-based version of the song using the Song Editor. You can access the song editor by tapping on the pencil icon in the menubar. This will open the Song Editor.

The title of the song is usually on the first like of the text. You can change the title manually in this text editor, or tap on the "info" icon in the menubar to open the Metadata Editor Menu.

You can then change the title and close the menu. Once you're finished, tap on the Done button to save changes and refresh your song.

You can also change other information about the song in this way. It's important to note that the version of the song in the Song Editor is the original version of the song. You can use other menus in OnSong to apply changes on top of the original. For instance, you can set the key and capo of the displayed song using the Style Preferences Menu and this will not effect the underlying text-based version of the song.

You can learn more about writing and editing songs in our Overview Tutorial Video.