Why are my emails sent from OnSong not getting to the recipient?

Why are my emails sent from OnSong not getting to the recipient?

OnSong uses the built-in Mail app in iOS to compose and send emails from the Share Menu. When you request to send a song or set, OnSong prepares the attachments and generates the body and subject of the email message. As soon as the Email Composition screen appears, control over sending that email is returned to iOS.

If you or your team are not receiving email messages, it could be an issue with the iPad, your email account, email service provider, or the email service or client application of the recipient. While it's hard to troubleshoot all that could go wrong while sending email, here are a few things to check.

Mail Outbox
When you tap on the Send button in OnSong, the email message is placed into the Outbox in the Mail app. This message then awaits to be sent to the email service. Make sure that your email account is configured properly on the device. For instance, if your password has been changed, the Mail app may not have the proper credentials to send the email. To check if the email was sent from the device, open the Mail app and view your mailboxes. Next, locate the Outbox row and tap to see if any messages are stuck. If so, you may need to ensure that you have a good Internet connection and that your mail server is configured correctly.

Quotas and Security
Email attachments can often times trigger rules and restrictions from your email service provider. For instance, you may not be allowed to send large attachments, or attachments that the email server does not recognize. Since each email server's rules a different, and the best security is by keeping the rules obscure to software, it's not possible for the message to be composed in a way that automatically works with the message you are sending. Many email service providers have a quote; a maximum file attachment size per message. This size changes with each service provider, but a general rule is to not exceed about 10 megabytes. OnSong does prevent too much information from being sent via email, but your service provider's rules may different. If you are sending attachments such as the OnSong text or archive formats, the email server may not recognize those formats and flag them as potentially dangerous. You may want to try enabling the "As a ZIP file" output option from the Email Screen by tapping on the wrench icon. ZIP files are normally passed through email services without question.

Recipient Filtering
Finally, your email message may make it from your email service provider onto the open Internet to be received by the recipient's email server. However, additional security screening may also be applied when received. In addition, messages are reviewed to determine if they are "spam" or unwanted messages. This is normally done not only on the server-side, but also in the client application. Make sure that the recipient adds you to their "whitelist" to ensure that your message gets through without scrutiny.
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