How can I get OnSong to display sharps and flats as I like?

How can I get OnSong to display sharps and flats as I like?

The enharmonic preference of the key is determined by the key that you transpose the song into. For instance, if you pick the key of F#, then F# will be used. If you pick the key of Gb, then Gb will be used, etc. You can choose from more key options by turning on theoretical keys. To do this, go into the Utilities Menu by tapping on the gear icon in the Menubar and then choose Settings > Menu Settings > Style Preferences > Chords > Key > Theoretical Keys and turn that on. This will add an additional row of key signatures you can choose from in the Style Preferences Menu.

Another option is to turn off transposition. This will allow whatever you've typed to be output as-is without transposition applied. To do this, go into the the Style Preferences Menu by tapping on the sliders icon in the Menubar and then choose the Chords tab. Locate the Key field and tap on the power icon to the right to turn off transposition.

Lastly, in OnSong 2020 and higher, you can change the chords that are outputted to use guitar-friendly enharmonic. To do this, go into the Utilities Menu by tapping on the gear icon in the Menubar and then choose Settings > Display Settings > Song Formatting > Enharmonic Preferences > Use Natural Notes and choose Guitar.