How can I import my PDF song files from Apple Books into OnSong?

How can I import my PDF song files from Apple Books into OnSong?

Many users start moving towards digital music sheets by importing PDF files into Apple Books, formerly known as iBooks. While it's a great way to start, an e-reader application is not the type of tool required by working musicians. OnSong provides a number of ways to import content, but the Apple Books app does not have an immediately apparent way to export PDF files that you've collected.

In our Import from Apple Books Video Tutorial, we show how you can choose the print activity and then use the punch gesture to zoom into the preview in the print dialog. From there, you can choose a different activity menu to export the printable PDF file into OnSong, or perform other actions on the file.

To import the PDF file into OnSong, you choose the "Copy To OnSong" icon in the colored row of icons. This opens OnSong and prompts you to import the PDF file. Once you confirm, the file is added to your library. You can then repeat this step for every PDF files in your collection.
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