How can I make sure I receive email responses from OnSong support?
When you contact OnSong for support, your request is placed into our technical support queue. When we answer your requests, those responses are sent to you via email. This can be problematic if your email service provider or email application blocks or filters our responses. Here are some ways to ensure that you receive responses from
Automatic Response
When you submit a ticket tothe OnSong helpdesk, we automatically respond with a generated email. You will receive one email with tips on how to submit your library for review as well as other details. In addition, you should receive another email with your ticket number. You can respond to this email to add details to your support ticket. If you don't receive one or both of these emails, responses from OnSong may be filtered as junk/spam email.
If you are submitting a ticket from the website or within the OnSong app through the Get Support screen, make sure that you accurately enter your email address and that you are using a current email address. If not, we may not be able to reach you. However, even if the email address is accurate, the email response may be blocked or filtered if the email address is not recognized.
Many email programs and providers include the ability to block unwanted emails. This may mean that OnSong's responses to you will be blocked or hidden. Most programs and services will not mark an email as spam if you've added the email address as a contact. This is called "whitelisting" and will allow communication to pass through unfiltered from known contacts. Please
add as a contact in your email software to ensure that you receive responses from that email address.
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