How to Link an Audio File to a Chord Chart.

How to Link an Audio File to a Chord Chart.

The easiest way to link an audio file to a chord chart is to first enable the audio track in the Live Bar options: Go to the Utilities Menu (gear icon in the menu bar) —> Settings—> Live Settings—> Live Bar--> Include Audio Track to ON—> Done. 

Next you will select the chord chart you want to link an audio file to by tapping the "Songs" button in the menu bar and select a song--> Tap and hold on the "Play" button in the Live Bar (bottom right corner of the chord chart) until a window pops up—> You can either select one of the recommended songs or select "Choose Custom Track"—> If you selected “Choose Custom Track” then you will be ask to select the location of the Audio Track such as iTunes Music Library, OnSong Media Library or Spotify--> once you select the location of the audio file, tap on the audio file you want to link--> Tap Off onto the main viewer.  Now when you tap the Play button the linked audio file will begin to play.  

Hope this helps!

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