Why is my OnSong app is stuck updating and won't open?

Why is my OnSong app is stuck updating and won't open?

The entire update process is handled by Apple and the App Store.  I would contact Apple for assistance as to why the app update process is not progressing.  We have had a number of users in the last few hours report issues with the App Store so this could be related.

Here are some things to try:
  • Before you get started, do not delete the app unless you have a backup of your OnSong library.  Your OnSong library may be stored inside the app bundle so deleting the app could delete your OnSong library.
  • Ensure that you have a good Internet connection and then tap on the app icon on the home screen to pause and then tap again to resume the installation process.
  • Open the App Store app from the home screen and tap on the Updates tab.  You should have better control of the installation and loading process here.  Try stopping the update and restarting.
  • Try downloading another free app.  This can sometimes resolve Apple ID authentication issues that can cause other app updates to stall.
  • Restart the iPad or iPhone.  You can do this by holding the power button until the red slider appears.  On devices that use the power button for Siri press and hold the top volume button and power button. Slide the slider to shut down. Once the screen goes completely dark, press and hold the power button until the device starts again and shows the Apple logo.  Then repeat the update process.
  • Contact Apple App Store Support for assistance with App Store update issues.

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